


陕西成人高考网 发布时间:2018-06-03 23:28:54





1.A.snow          B.sale          C.ask          D.design

2.A.lunch          B.beach        C.machine      D.chair

3.A.cut            B.human       C.luch          D.fun

4.A.value          B.family        C.baby         D.cat

5.A.now           B.show         C.grow        D.yellow


6.The  weather  report  says  itagain  tomorrow.

A.rained                          B.rains

C.has  rained                     D.will  rain

7.Bill  has  a  very  high  price  for  the  car.

A.spent                           B.paid

C.bought                          D.cost

8.Tom  attended evening  school  for month  or  two.

A.an;the                          B.the;a

C.an;不填                         D.不填;the

9.Spring  is  by  far  time  to  visit  the  island.

A.the  better                      B.better

C.the  best                        D.best

10.The  next  morning  people  found  the  world  outside  their  houses  completely


A.changing                         B.change

C.to  change                       D.changed

11.These  books  should  not  be from  the  library.

A.taken  off                        B.taken  away

C.taken  over                       D.taken  down

12.There  is  nobody  here  in  the  office  they have  all  gone  home.

A.must                             B.can

C.would                            D.should

13.Mary  looks  great this  pair  of  trousers.

A.by                               B.in

C.at                               D.on

14.-------Will  you  please  open  the  door  for  me?


A.My  pleasure                     B.Yes,please

C.You’re  welcome                 D.Not  at  all

15.James  got  lost  in  the  city, he  had  to  ask  for  help.

A.so                               B.or

C.for                               D.but

16.By  the  time  I  got  home,my  grandmother the  dinner  and  was  watching  TV.

A.prepared                                B.prepares

C.had  prepared                           D.has  prepared

17.The  reason the  president  kept  silent  is  still  unknown.

A.why                                    B.how

C.what                                   D.when

18.Dogs  have  a  very sense  of  smell.

A.clear                                   B.nice

C.high                                    D.good

19.Mrs. Smith  persuaded  her  husbthe  right  thing.

A.did                                    B.do

C.doing                               &nb